Yuca Gourmet Don Casner

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Yuca goes through a unique production process in which the original nutritional properties of the root are preserved. Another advantage of this innovative process is that during frying, unlike other products, the amount of oil absorbed by the food is extremely reduced.

It is a product that in natura contains no gluten, is trans fat free, saturated fats, allergens and is 100% natural!

Modes of preparation:

Fried: Place the frozen gourmet yuca in oil, very hot. It will be ready in about 4 minutes. Use a lid when you put it frozen in the pan to prevent the fat from splashing. Add salt when ready.
Cooked: Prepare your favorite dish and add the frozen gourmet yuca with 5 minutes left to finish it.
Roast: Place the frozen gourmet yuca on the grill and add olive oil or butter during the preparation until it turns golden. Add salt when ready.

Nutritional properties of yuca:

1 – Rich in potassium:
Potassium conducts electricity through our body and acts as a regulator of the electrical stimuli of the heart. In addition, potassium also aids in the transformation of carbohydrates into glucose, in the rebuilding of muscles and in the synthesis of proteins. In a portion of a yuca cup are found 558 milligrams of potassium, almost twelve percent of the total recommended daily intake by an adult and almost eleven percent of the total needed to maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes in pregnant women and in Phase of breastfeeding.

2 – Rich in fiber:
Fibers reduce the volume of calories consumed because they make us feel satiated faster. They also regulate bowel and excretory movements – lack of fiber intake can lead to intestinal constipation. Studies show that most adults do not consume the amount of fiber needed. In each cup of yuca there are 3.7 grams of fiber, about fourteen percent of the daily value recommended by nutritionists. Fibers are responsible for many of the benefits of yuca.

3 – Source of Vitamin C:
A glass of raw yuca contains over 42 milligrams of vitamin C. This means 56.5 percent of the ideal daily intake for women; Almost 50 percent for pregnant women; 35 percent for women who are breastfeeding and 47 percent for adult men.

4 – Folate belongs to the family of B vitamins and among its functions are support to the immune system and brain functions, breakdown of carbohydrates in the body, aid in controlling stress and helps in maintaining the health of the skin, hair and lungs. It also works combined with vitamin B12 in the production of red blood cells and has an important action in adolescent subjects or pregnant women facing periods of rapid growth. In a yuca cup there are 56 micrograms of folate, that is, fourteen percent of the recommended daily value for an adult, slightly more than eleven percent recommended for infants and slightly more than nine percent recommended for pregnant women.

I loved the yuca, fried was a delight, did not get drenched with fat, my family approved, now here at home we only bought the Aipim Goumet Don Casner.

In the past, I used to buy yuca in natura, I had to wash and peel, to cook for about 30 minutes, not knowing if it would really be soft. Today, with Aipim Don Casner, it no longer happens, just defrost it’s done, not to mention the loss that was approximately 30 to 40% of the product and now with Aipim Gourmet Don Casner I use 100% of the product I bought.

I loved Aipim Goumet Don Casner, super easy to handle, I cannot go wrong making my yuca recipes.

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